How do I tell future employers that I will have to take a month off of work...


Jul 5, 2008
...shortly after getting the job? Greetings,

I am a freshman in college. I started college about 2 weeks ago and I am looking for a part time job. I would ideally want to work on campus but those jobs are few and may have to work off campus (no big deal b/c my college is in the middle of a large metropolitan city).

This December I am leaving Dec 10th and coming back around Jan 4th for family vacation.

If I snag a part time job on campus this will not be a problem b/c school is out during those times.

However if I get an OFF campus job they will still be in operations.

How do I break this news to future employers?

Should I tell them during the interview, over email, or should I tell them after I get the job?

Thanks a ton.
Excuse me I got the date wrong. I am leaving AFTER college final exams.

Also, so when I get teh job I pitch it to them like this, "So I forgot to tell you but I am leaving for about a month in December."?
If it is a dire necessity for you to take the off. tell the new employer when you
get the job. Better to inform them to avoid any misunderstanding.
Very carefully.
An employer is likely to catch on fire for not telling him beforehand

Also, you are leaving right before college final exams - interesting how you may fail them all