How do i stop these rumors?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
my friend who i have not talked to in a while started spreading rumors about me. i didn't do anything to him, i don't know why he did that. he doesn't go to my school. we stopped talking after he switched schools then his friends (a year younger than i am) came to my school around the time we stopped talking. they started making fun of me today. so late in the year, but idk. these kids are annoying little ********* but you cant get rid of em! the rumors are not true. i didn't act out against these kids, i respectfully kept my composure, even chuckling telling them it wasnt true, asking them why would my friend spread that rumor? he's an arrogant little kid, so there's no way i'll get him to stop, and if those kids confront my friend, he'll keep backing up his story because he's like that. what do i do?
Tell your parents about it or someone you trust so they can leave u alone.
also hes not a true friend if he would do that.
lastly your doing a great job in ignoring them,there just mental kids that got nothing else to do
The best thing to do is ignore them, like you said they are just annoying little ******* and why would they be worth your time. Usually once they find out you don't care they stop because it's not fun for them anymore. Thats what worked for me. If after about a week they still continue to do this make it loud and clear what they are doing, they are bullying you and that is not right make them feel bad about it. If all of that fails it always works to talk to a teacher, you may think you are tatle-tailing but believe me your not and if anything you should feel proud to be able to be strong enough to go to someone. TEACHERS WILL HELP YOU. and don't be afraid to ask it's not as bad as it seems and nobody ever made fun of me for doing it. Now my bullies don't talk to me (were not best friends either) but it's way better than what they did before.