How do I make Curry if I cant cook?


New member
Mar 3, 2013
I want t learn how to cook curry but my cooking skill is too low a level... I have trouble with anything beyond putting a pizza in the oven. Advice?
There are plenty of canned sauces. It is not difficult. I am fond of Nando's Coconut Curry Sauce. Fry a couple boneless chicken breasts until they're brown, turn down the heat, and pour of the sauce. Serve over rice. Hell, Trader Joe's (if you're in the US) has rice you can throw in the microwave). Don't be too intimidated.
Ask one of your family members/friends to help you or even teach you, a cook book is also useful.
There are so many really good curry bases in the supermarket these days, that there is no excuse for not being able to make a good curry.

Eventually, you may want to make an exceptional curry or to experiment with flavours a little, and then you may want to make a curry from scratch. But since you can't yet cook much, then that is a bit beyond you right now. Not that making curry is particularly hard, but let's just start with basics.

You will need to operate a sharp knife to cut up some meat (any type you fancy). Cut it into the size you'd like to see on your plate, or slightly larger due to shrinkage. You may need to also cut some onion and/or garlic.
You will need to operate a fry pan to brown the meat and onions.
You will need to be able to measure some runny dairy product to round out the curry - come on, even a 4th grader can do measuring and you can purchase a cheap measuring cup from a dollar store.

Then just buy whichever curry base you like. Some brands are better than others, but this will be soemthing you'll have to experiment with. They come bottled, canned, in sachets, even frozen.
You can even just get combos of dried spices, but leave this for your next lesson.

So after you have browned your meat and onions in the frypan, add the pre-made sauce you have purchased and then follow directions, which usually says to either add water or dairy, like yoghurt for instance. Sometimes you need to add tomatoes, Check the pack in the supermarket to be sure you have everything.

Don't forget rice (buy a rice-cooker - they are inexpensive and foolproof) and/or nan bread (this can be purchased too - usually in the frozen food isle, but is always a bit disappointing from the real thing.

Good luck.