How do i know that the song im downloading of Limewire™ has a picture of the...


New member
Feb 6, 2009
...album/single? I have a ipod classic and i would like the song's album or single picture to display but not all the songs i download have it. How do i know it has an image &hey dont how do i put one on ?
you dont know it ha an image until u download it, then when u play it initunes, click sjow album artwork, and it will show it if there is any, to get album artwork press, advanced>get album artwork in th drop down menu from th tool bar. hope this helps :D
There is no way for you to find out. those pictures are called album arts.

This program will automatically scan all your music files, and if it sees a music file missing an album art, it will find it on the internet and then automatically insert it on your music files
the song shouldn't come with a picture, itunes, media player or winamp download the album art from the net. But if the file is named all funky and has no details in the properties (who ever ripped the mp3 didn't include the info) there will be no album art to download.