How do I introduce a new cat to my current cat?


New member
Jan 10, 2009
I have a new kitten, around 6 months old and also another cat a year old. I am keeping the new kitten in my room for the time being just to get use to the new home and smells. But he does not like being confined in this room and tries to open the door and escape. However, I made sure there is a small space where he can hide and I have his blanket he came with. I also put out food, water and a litter pan. He spends most of his time under my bed shy and afraid. He has also started panting and I know this is because he is stressed out.

What should I do?

Also, he is more relaxed when hiding in different places around the house but is it too early for the two cats to be introduced. I have had him for only 2 days :/
By keeping the cats separate completely for two weeks. Change out which cat has the run of most of the place, the other cat can be put into a bathroom or the bedroom with the door closed while the new one is out, and vice versa. They need to smell each other till it becomes normal, then a supervised meeting (do NOT plunk one down in front of the other) to avoid problems.