How do I Initiate This? LOL?


Mar 28, 2008
Well first to start off, I'll explain some information that will be of service. I'm in high school and very quiet in this class. Using challenge, dressing well, and my good-looks result in most, if not all the females in my class starting off with high interest level in me. It also leaves some jealous guys.

Well in this class my teacher is very interested in the personal lives of her students. In the first months of school, she'd always call on me to share my work. Several months into school this completely stopped. One time we were watching a film and she was standing right next to the screen. I believe she thought I was staring at her breasts, then she stared at me for about 15 seconds then continued what she was doing. Then what I perceive as flirting began. When she's in front of the room giving lectures sitting on a table, she'd make prolonged eye contact with me. It'd last for about 30 seconds, she'd break it off, then repeat.

Every time I talk with her one on one she'd maintain eye contact, play with her hair, fidget with her jewelry, etc. I play sports which makes me muscular, and at times she'd stare at my chest and arms blatantly during a conversation.

She stands outside her classroom before every class begins. When I walk towards her before entering the classroom, she'd always throws me this seductive look with her eyes. Well one day she made a pass at me and I replied with a short answer and continued into the classroom. The class after wards she seemed angry only with me for no reason. The classes after wards the flirting completely stopped, she became distant, and ignored me. On the day I had my last class with her she began flirting again.

Be aware that she recently got married and often preaches about integrity. I didn't reciprocate the flirting as I thought she was only doing it, to see my reaction as I'm quiet. I'm not the only quiet one in the class, which makes me wonder why this only happens to me. Something to add: Months before the flirting, she tried to pair me up with this girl who had high interest level in me.

She is no longer my teacher, I just wanted to know if she was interested in pursuing something or not. I left out a couple things but that doesn't matter. When school starts again, how should I go about approaching her for sex? I know she wants it LOL.