How do i increase my torrent speed?


May 28, 2008
I am using a 10 Mbps broadband but i am not getting full speed, please help me
Getting slow speed of torrent try this
1. Choose torrent with more peer and seeder
2 Try changing.port you are using for incoming traffic
3. Enable DTH

You can go here and read this post, it worked for me.Hope it will works for you
It can depends by the torrent (health,seeds,leechs),try to click on file
-allocation bandwith
Good download
Hello! One good possible way to increase your torrent speed? Is well, to pick a better torrent! Many have, leeches and "Seeders' i think they are called.
The more Seeds, and less leeches, the more your torrent will download.

Another good thing to do is to close out all other tabs, such as "quit Skype" instead of just exiting. Do the same for Steam, and all the other junk you have open.

A good tactic to do, is to just close out all the programs, and just start up all your torrents at night, and head to bed.

Nothing better then to wake up to loads of music, and a bunch of new games installed.