How do i improve my download speed and share ratio in BitTorrent?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
I'm downloading quite a big file in bittorrent right now (5gb) and speeds have been between 1200kpbs(for about 5minutes) and 10kbps (for most of the time).
Until now i never really took too much care about my downloads, just downloaded then deleted (I know now that thas a terrible thing to do).
So now I've learned that having a good share ratio apparently makes you download faster, and I've also learned that you want to cap UL speed at 80% of you max. speed and DL speed at 95% of max.
This is where the first problem comes up: everyone says things like "so if your maximum download speed is 400 kB/s, the optimal download speed is 380kB/s" but my maximum download speed is 1875kB/s (15000kpbs / 8), which seems way too high, particularly considering im using a hotspot shied so im running from an IP somewhere in california, while im actually in London. Same goes for my upload speed. So why is that? do i really have insanely fast connections, or am i getting something wrong?
Secondly, is my share ratio only relevant to a particular file (the one i'm downloading?) or does it improve my overall download speed for all torrents. Also, is it the ratio of my total download to my total upload or is it the size downloaded vs. uploaded for a single file?
Thirdly, I want to upload more, to get a better ratio, but none of my torrents are uploading. They say "seeding" but where it says DL/UL speed it's just blank.

So in a nutshell my questions are:
Do i need a high ratio for fast downloads?
How do i find out where to set caps on speeds/ is my connection really as fast as I've found out?
What exactly does the ratio refer to?
What exactly does is affect?

thanks in advance, looking forward to your answers