How do I hibernate my Corn Snakes.?


New member
Jun 4, 2008
I am not hibernating them right now. Also, my dad suggested that I should use a wine cooler. Would that work? Or would it be too cold?

Would it be to hard to breathe in the wine cooler?

Would putting my snakes cage in the garage work during winter??
"The correct term is actually 'brumate', they dont hibernate as such.

It depends what temperatures they are kept at, if it reaches low enough yes they will. Brumating or 'cooling' snakes is often required to initiate breeding, doing so mimics the natural variation in weather and triggers this mating reponse. [sic]

However its generally not recommended to brumate any snake under the age of two, or one that is ill or obviously unheathly [sic]/underweight."