How do I help my dog to stop whining?


New member
Sep 21, 2011
A few months ago, I bought a Daschund from a family friend. She is a wonderfully smart dog. But, it seems the only thing I can not teach her to quit doing is whining. I've tried long walks, I've tried petting and playing, I've tried everything. I don't know how much more of this I can take. She whines all day long for no apparent reason. When we first got her, I thought it was because she had to go potty, so I would take her out alot. She is an inside dog and that got annoying...especially when she didn't go potty when I took her out. I'm open to any suggestions!!! I love her so much!! But, this has got to stop!
Whining is a sign of anxiety. Some dogs are just more anxious than others. It also takes a while for a dog to start feeling secure in a new home. She may still be missing her old owners as well. Just give it more time and work on trying to build a stronger bond with her. Daily training sessions and long walks are great for that. Did her previous owner say that was normal for her? If not then I'm sure she will improve with time.