How do I fix my Nintendo DS Lite?


May 13, 2008
It won't play any of my Pokemon games: Diamond, Platinum, Soul Silver. They all come up with the:

"A Communication Error has occurred
If you were in the Union Room you will be returned there. Otherwise you will be returned to the location of your last save.
Press A button to continue."

(I did that from memory so it may not be perfect.)

I was playing Pokemon Platinum and decided I wanted to trade with my copy of Diamond so I put Diamond into my brother's DS lite. It showed on the DS menu that there was no game card inserted. I turned it off and on a few times to no different results. I then turned off Platinum and put Diamond in my DS. It did show up on the DS menu but when it got to the continue, wi-fi settings, etc. screen, it gave me the above error. When I pressed A both screens went white and stayed like that.

I then put Platinum back in and it did the same thing. And again with Soul Silver. I then dried them all in my brother's DS. Platinum and Soul Silver worked fine but Diamond still was not recognized and the DS said there was no DS card inserted.

I tried one of my brothers games that is not Pokemon and it worked just fine in my DS.

What should I do? What do I need to do? Can I do anything about it?

If you have questions for me feel free to ask and I will answer to the beat of my ability and knowledge.