How do i convince my parents into getting me a blackberry curve.?

i want abb...everione i knw has one...i just want to be part of the crowd:eek:
im 13 and want a dad said hell buy me 1 but one.....:tongue out::confused::eek:
studin laze

:capitulate::stop glass::be polite::clubbing::arrowed::emot2::more crackers::crazy eyes::hammer punch:
Please I am a child of 5 and all of the rest have a got a black berry and i am the oldest the youngest is 7 and she has one so pleas ehelp me x
My mum thinks they're to expensive,what will I do all my friends are getting one and most already have one, HELP NOW
I really want a blackberry nd my bday is in 3 months time nd I have enough money to pay for it but my only obstacle is my dad. My mom doesn't really mind if I get a blackberry but my dad says no as I got a perfectly good phone last year for my bday( nokia c3) that looks just like a blackberry. Most of the people in my class have one an I really want one. I keep trying to convince him but all he says is " when the phone you have now breaks then you may get a new one".

PS. I am 12
I feel the same way. I am 12 and i want a blackberry curve and i dont no how to persuaid my parents. Last i got the LG voyager (but i hate it sooo much). please comment.(no negatives tho)thank you.
You are 12... TWELVE... what are you gonna use a BB for? I guess you have to keep track of all your meetings and everything that is happening in the office while your playing in the sandbox..... You got a damn LG, most people your age have second-hand crappy nokia's etc. Appreciate what you've got & stop acting so damn spoilt!
my problem is that my parents think that because I have an iPod touch and that I got it for my Birthday this year that I will get bored of the blackberry but I know I won't coz I'm not bored of my iPod, btw I'm 10 almost 11 and EVERYONE in my class has blackberrys or iPhones I'm just stuck with the oldest nockia EVER!!!!
Please help me 📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📱
So I am 13 on the 22 nd of jan 2000 but I still don't have a cell phone any suggestions on bribing my parents into getting me a black berry curve.
i really want a blackberry

I know how you fell I got a Sony Ericsson xperia x8 and i hate the damn thing it's crap my mum only says "no" because my dad says "no" my friends have one and they are moving far away so I want to keep a touch on them I know you can do that on regular phones but I am a slow typer and I think having a blackberry will help me so if anyone knows how to persuade your parents into buying you one it would help us alot :) :( :) :( :)
No lie, i have one of the worst LG's ever made. It looks ugly and cheap and plastic and tacky :| A few days ago i asked my mum if i could get a blackberry curve. At first she said no but after a bit of nagging she said yes. But when i asked my dad he immediately said "NO" .full stop! EVERYONE in my class has one and its so not fair that i dont have one! :( My dad is just so out of order he wont let me have one! He says that the phone i have is fine, BUT ITS SO NOT :mad: My birthday is coming up in a few months so hopefully i will get one then but really i have no hope in getting one. i have nothing its not fair :( everyone else gets all expensive stuff and what do i get...? nothing :'(
hai, just simple. Do any works given by your parents very well. You try to save your pocket money little amount. Now you ask your parents to give a remaining cost for your blacberry curve..;)
Hey yea I know what u mean all my friends have amazin smartphones n all I have is a dumb lil Nokia I get teased n bullied coz of this help please!!!!!
I want a BlackBerry

I really really really want a BlackBerry. In my form, my school, my city, my country, my continent, and my plant, it seems like everybody has one but me. I think I'm getting one for Christmas, but If I don't I'll be SO upset. And if i dont get one Ill just use my Christmas money, and if I loose my parents cant say NOTHING, because I paid for it so its 100 percent mine.

Sorry that this is soo long ive wasted about 1 min of your life, and btw please dont leve nasty mean comments cuz whoever does needs 2 get a life. I'm gonna get a 9320 I hope!!! Thanks for listening BYE!!!! XOX
i'm 13 and i have enough money for half and my birthday also over 60% of my class has one i only want one so i can keep in touch with my friends and my family and most of my friends have bbm which is what i want. my mom has a blackberry and it's so unfair she said she couldn't affourded it but both of my parents just got paid i think its unfair!! my mom wants me to give my phone to my grandfather if i do that everyone in my family has a phone my sister, mother, dad, grandfather and i won't so unfair!!! :(
I'm ten years old and I would really like a blackberry curve but they say I'm too young and their was this one time when I needed it long story short my folks forgot to fetch me from school and I had to direct my friends dad take me home and when I got there they were like OMG anyway what should I do HELP
i feel the same way as all of you guys do!i mean it's actually fucking ridiculous!)-: