how do i change my bluetooth headset to pair with my phone?


New member
Nov 11, 2008
ok so i got this sidekic 3 phone from ebay and the original owner gave me the head set to
but idk like its not connected to my phone, i know it works because it blinks when i open it
i just wanna know like if i can reset it so i can pair it with my phone

...k thanks :}
hmm, kinda hard to say without seeing it, i dont mean to insult you either, but the blinking light doesnt mean its battery is dying does it? and to pair your phone with it, there has to be some sort of button on the headset to accept pairing, or a code that you have to enter in the phone when you pair, maybe if you hold down the answer button on the headset until something happens, it will reset or start pairing?