How do I burn tv shows off of my computer so that i may watch them on a dvd player


New member
Mar 1, 2011
on a tv screen? CD-R?+++++? I have some downloaded tv shows that i want to burn from my computer so that my kids may watch them on our tv. I have no idea how i would go about doing that though. Recently, I did manage to find some old unused CD-R discs. On the label, it says 700mb/80min [which I suppose is per disc]. There are 10 discs in total, and I just need to burn 4-5 40-minute shows onto the CD-R discs.

Anyone would know how I would go about doing this? Do I need to install some sort of program? Help please?

Thanks in advance.
there is not a quick answer to this but you need to find what video formats your dvd player plays and make the cd's to that format.

The most common video format on CD is VCD or Video CD you need to search for software that can create these, there is free stuff around don't spend money.

You might be better off buying some blank DVD's and making DVD's (again you need dvd authoring software or even windows movie maker). DVD's are more widely accepted in players than VCD's