How do I become interested in sex?


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I've been in a relationship a year and a half and we've not had sex (I'm a virgin). The idea doesn't even turn me do I get interested in sex? She turns me on all the time, but when it comes to wanting to 'do it' I'm just not interested at all.
Well, it doesn't sound like you're going to be the one to initiate sex in your relationship (at least not yet). Explain to her that you are a virgin and ask her to take the lead for starters. The catch here is that you're pretty much gonna have to be ready when she is (cause girls kind of expect that).

But if she takes the lead, then all you will probably have to do is just sit back and enjoy the ride.

ps: I hope you're just joking about this and not really serious.
ur probably not interested cus of fear.only time can cause u to become interested.u shudnt rush urself anyway.maybe porn would help tho if u think u must do it soon
id say watching porn with her, or using toys on her, that way u get to see the feelings that u could give to her, and dont rush it, caz then ur firsst time would suck and u wouldnt want to do it again, but do things with her have bathes with her, do the porn thing, the toys rly help, and just relax it will happen when ur ready
well if u not interested it could be due to fear or that u just not ready and that is fine too, Y should u rush things right now? some guys just takes the leap and the interest in sex follows, it happens when it happens others just leaves it until the time comes..

soo really there is no rush..just chill and when u start feeling that "Now" is the time then prepare and do it