How do I ask out a celebrity?


New member
Dec 2, 2008
Before you think I'm completely creepy: basically, my friend and I have a bucket list, and number 62 is to ''ask out the guy of your dreams'' so my celebrity crush is in a band, and we are going to their concert, so if we wait we'll see them afterwards. Do I write something down and then give it to him, or just ask him flat out because I'll be surrounding by a bunch of girls that are fans who want to talk to him too?
I know it's weird, but I have to do it so I can tick it off the list :)
Well not to be insanely negative but the group members probably get that a lot, and they won't take you seriously, you'll be viewed as just another groupie. I say if you're interested in just getting it crossed off your bucket list, then do it on a note card of some sort, don't say it out loud, you will get a lot of rude stares that way, especially from girls, because I've found many when it comes to bands and such are very conniving. I wish you the best of luck.
I would do it. You never know what could happen...I would be to chicken to do it.