how did you start you first proper relationship?


Jun 20, 2008
by proper relationship i mean you been with him/her for at least 9 months

i started mine when i realised i was a lesbian and had a crush on AJ so we got talking in my house and i just took a shot in the dark and kissed her she giggled and ran off the next day at her house she kissed me and we started going out so a month or so later at her big sisters sweet sixteen we were kissing in the back and her mum overreacted and threw us out we went to my house and had "fun" for the first time and slept in to 11am matt woke us up and told us to get to his appartment quickly so we fled before my mum got home (thank god for alcohol) and met him there we told AJs mum first we were gay and she appologised for throwing us out and telling my mum (a Massive homophobe) so we drove there matt went in to see if she was okay she was not but unfortunite she was a decent actor and pretended to be okay without then kicked us out eventully we got a place for next to nothing and now my little sister (also kicked out because mum thought she was gay but she was just a tomboy) , Matt, Rosie and Racheal now live with us this is a quick sum up of 4 years i hope it lasts

but how did your first start?