How did the Republican party get mixed up with Jesus?


New member
Jul 13, 2010
with all the stuff in the bible like "Love thy enemy", they are totally for the assasination of Osama bin laden. "Thou shalt not kill", i know that many Christians say there are many metaphors in the bible and many who do not, but aren't these pretty clear?

and what about "What would Jesus Do"? when that whole "waterboarding" thing was going on, Republicans wouldn't call it torture. Could you see Jesus suffocating someone?

^ please don't dodge the question...
How did the Republican party get mixed up with Jesus?

Most Republicans are conservative and a conservative mindset embraces traditional religious beliefs which are taught in many churches.

Tragically and in fact sickly,the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible bear little resemblance to much of the church created religion which embraces hate,war,and greed.In fact the basic Mormon economic philosophy that Mitt Romney was peddling :mad: is in complete contradiction to Jesus' teaching to share our wealth with others.

Luke 18:25

For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”