How did the 911 passengers make cell phone calls?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Specifically Barbara Olsen allegedly called from the flight that ended up crashing (allegedly) into the Pentagon. Her husband (who was George Bush's attorney during the hanging chad debacle that secured the election in his favor) said she had called from her cell phone and told him the hijackers were using box cutters (the only source we have that boxcutters were the weapons of choice for the hijackers). a) her cell phone records showed no calls were made b) there were no airphones in that (and the other) planes so even though he said she used her cell phone she could not have used an airline phone since they weren't equipped with any (common at the time) and even today there are only 3 commercial planes as of 2009 equipped with towers installed inside the plane that allows for cell phone calls to be made, the technology wasn't available before then and as I said only 3 (non-American) planes have it. So how did the passengers such as Barbara Olsen make the calls form their cell phones and the recorded ones released and could be heard on youtube, why is there a click sound at the end as if it was a landphone that hangs up?
Per official reports none of the planes that were hijacked were equipped with a single airphone. Don't take my word for it, that's the official report from the airlines.