how did people from jersey shore become famous?


New member
Jul 13, 2008
I have never seen Jersey shore till now because my friend happened to have it on and it is so stupid I seriously wonder how these people became famous and rich. How can people get interested in these dumb shows they are just so stupid.
Are country is losing all its morals, and the government thinks we should support scum (aka Chavs, people who choose to live of dole, people who don't try, drugies) so crappy media support aims at what they think the country should be like (such as retarded)
The same way The Real World became famous except with less drunks, retards, and grown adults with idiotic nicknames that cause unneccessary, petty drama.
>Because they all auditioned and tried out for the show and got picked.

Then, a whole bunch of people tuned in, making it MTV's Highest rated show ever.......ensuring it would have gone on FOREVER, had not Snooki gotten pregnant, and kinda ruined the dynamic.

Then Hurricane Sandy wiped out the Broadwalk and half of, that pretty much ended that.

Why is any tv star famous.???? Because people tune into the show and make it a "hit".

Where would the cast of Seinfeld be right now, if it was canceled the first season because no one tuned in? They're famous because viewers made them famous-.....ensuring their huge paychecks.