how common is it that a hair dye will turn a funny uneven or strange colour...


Active member
May 13, 2008
...when used in pregnancy? in a salon? have not ever really had my hair colored properly in a salon or at home, have tried some highlights before but i hated it! now they have grown out & i could have it cut allot shorter to get rid of them but have never had the courage to get a posh bob even tho iv been told it would really suit me & my partner would really love to see me with one. im also pregnant now & have been struggling with my confidence & keeping up with styling now my hair seems to be getting more oily due to hormones. iv just been watching Gok's Fashion Fix on the +1 for the first time & there was this lady who was transformed wonderfully from long red hair to a beautiful multi-toned posh bob & it got me thinking how it might look on me! but i don't know how or if i could get this done the same. do they test it first? & how long before it starts looking abit naff & needing a cut again? do you think it will be easier to maintain than my current long hair?
Any advice?

First of all, I'm sure you'll get answers from lots of ignorant weirdos saying you shouldn't dye your hair during pregnancy. In reality, there is absolutely no evidence stating that coloring your hair during pregnancy is harmful to the baby...That being said, I think a bob would be easier to maintain than long hair. You'd still have to straighten it, but the drying/styling time would be so much shorter. As far as coloring goes, my hair colored fine during pregnancy. Just have the stylist do a tiny test patch on the underside of your hair to make sure nothing crazy happens lol. Every pregnant mommy deserves to look and feel her best. I'd go for it :)