How common is it that a hair dye will turn a funny uneven or strange colour when


Active member
May 13, 2008
used in pregnancy? in a salon? have not ever really had my hair colored properly in a salon or at home, have tried some highlights before but i hated it! now they have grown out & i could have it cut allot shorter to get rid of them but have never had the courage to get a posh bob even tho iv been told it would really suit me & my partner would really love to see me with one. im also pregnant now & have been struggling with my confidence & keeping up with styling now my hair seems to be getting more oily due to hormones. iv just been watching Gok's Fashion Fix on the +1 for the first time & there was this lady who was transformed wonderfully from long red hair to a beautiful multi-toned posh bob & it got me thinking how it might look on me! but i don't know how or if i could get this done the same. do they test it first? & how long before it starts looking abit naff & needing a cut again? do you think it will be easier to maintain than my current long hair?
Any advice?

I would request that they do a test strand first. Everyone is different. I just had mine done and it came out a little patchy, but it blends together well.
Also, I cut 6 inches off my hair from below my shoulders to a chin length bob thinking it would be easier to maintain but truthfully I am growing it back out because all it did was hang in my face. With longer hair I can just pull it into a ponytail if I need to.
My hair has been growing at a rate of a little over a half inch a month, so not a whole lot different from normal. I hope this helps a little bit with your decision!