How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

Poor attempts to undermine Obama's Campaign and his message of hope and change to the American people. It addition; allows the racist and bigots, an outlet to express their grass roots thoughts. Finally it promotes a "Red Herrings" to distract attention from Obama's message. Its really sad; when Obama himself never said anything racist; yet he's called one.
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

I think most people are not getting hung up with allegations of racism on a personal level. They are more appalled by the attitude he has toward the government and the nation. "The United States of KKK," doesn't sit well with the average, non-racist American. People take offense (speaking as a white non-racist male here) when they hear people clapping and cheering on a reverend that is implying that this country is filled with racists, and does not seem to recognize that racists in this country have become marginalized. Furthermore, to many who might not believe that racism is particularly present in this modern day, see him as a relic of a day where de-jour racism was the status quo.
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

when you spew hate out of your a** you can't spin it to make it sound like Disney land.....just how stupid do think the American people are?????Jesus.....racist or not that's pure hate mongering pure and simple.....and there is no place in this world for that kind of CRAP....stop trying to democratic-spin-doctor-it down our throats!!!!!!!!!!!!
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

I heard enough spewing out of this mans mouth . he sounded like a possessed demon . i hate to judge people but if he gets to heaven theres not a sinner living that will have a problem getting there . he needs to get a shamed and hit that alter and ask for some sincere forgiveness . and Obama needs to get a shamed as well sitting there 20 years with his kids listening to that demon spouting out his hate . it is allful .
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

Forcing someone to watch something? That's totalitarianism dude. Really bad idea.
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

I have listened to several of Rev. Wright's complete sermons.Obama isn't even trying to excuse the things said.How can any context explain the statement that "The government created aids to destroy the black community."How can any context explain that "Drugs are a conspiracy to put blacks in prison."How can any context excuse the US of KKK?It is inexcusable rhetoric directed at people who go to work everyday and don't have the time to do research for themselves. They look to the church for truth.... and they get over the top untrue statements said for the purpose of saying something "shocking" and "deep."The pastor said it. He is smart. He is spiritual. It must be true.It is a sad abuse of power.I like and respect Obama. Wright is appauling.
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

if barak can sit there and listen to his preacher say that black people are mistreated and called niggers and uses the lords name to curse our country and not have any balls to stand up for what he (Barak) supposedly thinks is right BEFORE it became an issue as to whether he got the presidency or not, then we only can gather that not only does he believe it, teach it, preach it, live it, but he will NOT "CHANGE" the other things he supposedly thinks need changed. Barak will truely be a damnation unto our country.
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

The media found something to make a story out of. That is all. I wonder what is going on in the world that the talking heads don't want us to know about cause we are all watch'n the good Rev on youtube.Dave
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

Thank YouWhen you really listen to it is as you saidThis is all they can get on him so they are using it that's allBe prepared to hear BS remarks for next100 years about this matterAs the truly uneducated love this stuff to sprew their own racistcomments for years to comeDon't forget it was said in the 2001
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

Because you can't take a claim of white people creating HIV as a means of genocide of black people out of context. He could have sung G-d Bless America before and after saying that and it would make no difference.How is Wright's langauge use and also his sexual air-motion when talking about Bill Clinton appropriate in the House of the Lord?
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

the horse is out of the barn. no use shutting the barn door now, spin man. it will NEVER change. speaking of change here is what one of your allies said: america is gonna get the payback it deserves. gonna find out what change means. the shoe is on the other foot after the old man is defeated. obama is the next step. freedom is not enough. the debt that whites owe is very large.
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

The government lets you whine and complain without coming to your house and ripping your head off so tell your bro Wright to stop biting the hand that feeds him! And as quoted above, Ive heard quite enough! Be thankful your even here for once you ingrates! Damn!
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

You can try and explain away his remarks all you want to. That is your right. I will never believe anything but that he spews out hate, racism, and anti-American rhetoric. I have seen the whole tape by the way, and I still only see the hate. But explain this. Why does wright think that the house of God is the place to say these things? And why does obama now say that he rejects and abhors those same things that you are defending and that he sat and listened to for close to twenty years? Why did he go there for that long if he did not agree with that crap at least to some degree? And why does a man, who says that he is a man of God, feel it necessary to thrust his hips in a humping motion in the house of God, and you know children where there? Those are legitimate questions.
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

Wright lost me when he called on God to damn America. I won't go to any site he's on, nor do I believe that his words were taken "out of context".
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

And why would I want to listen to more...he has said enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I make my point?!! Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

I really don't care if what I heard and seen was only 1/10 of his whole speech.. what I heard was full of racism and hatred and ignorance. So no amount of nicey nice would make it better.I wonder how Blacks would feel if one of the candidates called them the N word.. but then said.. but you are really nice.They wouldn't... and I don't like what he had to say about white America.. so that is that!
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

5 second sound byte is all I need to hear. There is no excuse whatsoever for what I heard, and there is no explanation for it.Just tonight I say on channel 7 news in Chicago that Obama's church was having a special sermon (Mon night); and it was to endorse Rev. Wright. The pastor on the pulpit was saying "Rev. "Wright's" family is the "Right" family. People were happy, clapping etc. I don't know how anyone can endorse this.
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

Most people reacting that way are people who opposed Obama from the beginning and the clips are being used for political gain. I was actually a little shocked when the controversy first hit, but when I read the sermons in context it was pretty easy to see that this was a non-issue for anyone who actually bothered to look deeper. I'm sure Hillary claims to have a pretty high opinion of Martin Luther King Jr. Yet in his last sermon, King said "America is going to Hell." Now, the sermon wasn't an attack on America, but a call for America to live up to its ideals, and to use our vast weath and power for the good of all people. He warned if we failed to do that, "America is going to Hell." I'm afraid today people would take that line out of context and use it to attack anyone King supported, and few would bother to look at the context anymore.
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

'Cause when he starts cursing other people's color. You don't need to hear anything anymore.
How come people continue to take Rev wright's words out of context without seeing the whole video of his serm.

Is this what you would consider to be TAX EXEMPT non-political religious speech. His "group" should be paying taxes.