How come E fiction can't be as popular as fantasy,sci-fi,mystery, and romance?

Because we live in a society where that sort of thing is not read or discussed in public, it's private and somewhat embarrassing and not appropriate for a public forum. It's also limited in the age range of people who read it.

The most popular books are widely read, by both youths and adults, and no one is embarrassed to read or discuss them in public. The only book I know of that is erotic and achieved that kind of popularity is Fifty Shades of Grey, and even that's controversial. Some people just see it as glorified porn, packaged for the public. Unless we get over our general embarrassment about placing erotic material under the public eye (which I doubt we will) then erotic fiction will never achieve the popularity of other books from more publicly acceptable genres like fantasy,sci-fi,mystery, etc. I'm sorry, that's just the way it is.