How come christian men are so insecure?


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Almost every christian guy I talk to wants to know every detail of my sex life and when I tell them to get lost they call me a slut. I'm a frigging virgin! And they never leave me alone either. The ones that come over my house (my dad is a minister) are always scowling at me as if I owe them something, and they message me on facebook all the time and threaten to tell my dad that I'm a slut (again, I'm a virgin). There are two in particular who are the worst ones. Yesterday I told one of them to F off because "leave me alone" wasn't working and he said I needed to learn respect. Why are these guys so insecure?
LMFAO Alien Jesus that would be mean! And funny!
DevAdvc8: You must think women's bodies are public property. I don't have to do any such thing. My medical information is no one else's business.
my-cadence: yes, that sounds VERY insecure. A secure man wouldn't give a rat's behind what someone else's personal life involves. I owe them nothing. Maybe you think women are too stupid to lead their own lives and need a man to keep them in check, but civilized society doesn't share your views.
Wow, look at this; quite a few insecure men here as well. LOL