how cold is to cold to ride a sport bike in PA?


May 20, 2008
im looking to get a ninja 250r but i am going to college in Pennsylvania next year and the ninja would be less of a hit on my budget then a car but could i get away with using the ninja year around for sole transportation or is it just too cold to even thing about it and to just get a car and id like to hear from people that live in PA and ride
i do understand the gear i would buy right gear and the right visor/helmet for winter and summer and id like to know from people more in the Pittsburgh area as that is were ill be and any tips on how to keep it from being stole if i have to leave it in the apt parking lot
I'm more concerned about leaving it in a parking lot than riding in the winter. It's exposed to the elements and you can't run a battery tender to it. It's going to take longer to start a vehicle with a small exposed carb at low temps and its going to suck battery. That's going to cut down on the reliability of your sole transportation.

I had a friend that did ride all year in Philly during college, but he had an enduro with kickstart and also used public transit as a backup.
As long as the streets are clear of ice and snow, you can ride anytime you want.
Take a look at heated suits not cheap but they sure as heck work wonders, cud be the way forward so down your local bike shop and see whats on offer.
If you have a limited output alternator to keep the battery charged and still ride ok you could maybe get a way with a ''teddy bear suit'' one piece thick and fluffy or one of these and just a heated vest. B 4 u go shoping check the alternator output on your bike should be rated in amps, if it's not there ring your local dealer for your make of bike and ash their advice and if so do if they sell such suits.
That's up to you. If you wear enough layer of clothes you can ride it all winter.
Here are the risks:
-It's too easy to skid and crash in below freezing weather.
-Other motorists are not expecting motorcycles in winter.
-Motorcycles have no protection from road salt.
-Hypothermia has a serious effect on you ability to remain attentive.
-Helmet visor fogging can reduce visibility.
i live just across ohio border, and the real issue is weather or not it's dry enough, this has been a great year for motorcycles and i never really winterized my bike this year.get some good winter gear and a snowmobile helmet and you can ride all year as long as we don't get tons of snow.