How can religious people be 100% certain that ONLY their religion is the true


New member
Sep 1, 2009
religion ? There are dozens of religions in the world, the main ones being Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and so on. Each of these religions allegedly has evidence and miracles that prove that it is the right religion. There are people in all of these religions claiming that their divine deity talks to them and guides them throughout life. Regardless of your religious ideology, you have to admit that someone is wrong here. Some of this people believe one goes to heaven or hell after death, whereas some believe they go through the reincarnation process. As I previously mentioned, these groups of people have stories of miracles that they say proves they are right. Therefore, how can someone be 100% sure that their religion or God is the true one, and that other religions are wrong ? According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, there are 19 major religions in the world. Well only one of these religions has to be right, so the probability of one's religion being the true one is 5% and much less if we added ALL of the world's religions into the equation.
Um you are mistaken. I have never heard Biddhists or Hinduists claim they are the only right ones. Also, many Buddhists are atheists, since Buddhism is more about the afterlife and enlightenment rather than divinity. There are no "evidence" that any religion is the only right one.
As a religious person I can safely claim that all religions are equally possible to be correct or wrong. Also, the assumption that only ONE religion must be correct is rather absurd. That is plain human arrogance and holier than thou attitude. Why can't many religions be correct? How do we know that every person that dies doesn't undergo whatever he/she believed in when alive? For example, that would mean that a dead Christian will experience Heaven or Hell, a dead Buddhist would experience reincarnation and so on.
The notion of humans to claim absolute knowledge or possession of the natural laws is the main cause of all the misconseptions. Even science does not claim that it holds the undoubted knowledge of all natural laws. Theories are proven wrong all the time.
Oh don't worry your pretty little head, my religion is the one and only truth.

If you pretend hard enough, you can be convinced anything you want to is fact.
The exact same question can be asked of atheists as well.

The simple fact remains that unless you believe that your belief is the real belief...whether it be theist or atheist...than you do not believe at all. That would be called agnostic.

So your question really makes absolutely no sense.
I'm not sure how so many can make that claim....

I guess we're just going to have to wait and see what happens right?
Define wrong. Consider that what might be correct for someone else in their experience, might not be so for you.

You can't just say someone is wrong, maybe in their experience what they are believing is true.
Good question but do you really want an answer?
You seem to have answered all of your own questions.

Since there can only be one, only one will reach Nirvana.

The rest get recycled to continue the argument.

Atheist just cease to exist.
Philosophically they cannot.
But then faith is really philosophical suicide.
They have killed reason and submit to religion's self righteousness indoctrination.
Well, I know I worship the one true LIVING GOD.
I know this because I have encounters and experiences with Him . Jesus is alive.
I have been pushed out of the way of a truck when I was a teen. I heard someone yell, JUMP and push my shoulder. I did a broad jump and cleared the truck. That was a most physical sign, experience. That was an angel.
And then there are more. When my God is as real to me, as a person in flesh talking to me, that is a true God, a living God.
No other God moves, sees, talks and visits with people. There is only one true living God, Jehovah God, the great I AM who is Jesus ! Alleluia