how can nicotine affect my athletic training?


New member
Dec 29, 2010
I am training for college track. does nicotine or cigarettes or chew have negative effects or positive effects? if so what are they?

bonus points for if you can tell me the same about marijuana
well cigarettes can affect you lungs so depending how long you been smoking your lungs could get damaged and affect the way you breathe causing you to get short of breath. and if your using those nicotine patches i heard they can give you skin cancer. (not sure you may need to look that up) but anyway yes can affect people in sports and can affect you . hope i helped
wow what the f*ck? are you kidding? were you sleeping in health ed?

it's not the nicotine in cigarettes it's the tobacco that slows your heart down and puts more pressure on your arteries and heart so it makes it harder to exercise/run. same goes for weed. but i used to smoke weed but not cigarettes and when i tried to run, it would have pressure on my heart and it would make me quit fast. but when i stopped smoking weed and took up running again, i felt like a damn robot and had no problems in my heart.

so cut the weed and the cigarettes, there's a reason why people die so young from that cr@p