How can Muslims justify Islam is a religion of peace....?


Apr 15, 2008
After eight Foreign UN workers living and working in Afghanistan were murdered (2 beheaded) by protesters protesting the burning of the Quran in America. I hear muslims everywhere telling me that Islam is a religion of peace and that these sort of acts are carried out by extremists and that is the only publicity Islam gets. But after terrorist attack after terrorist attack, burning of USA,UK flags, protesting in London against British Soldiers and capturing and executing INNOCENT aid workers living in islamic countries and helping Muslim people....

How can muslims say that Islam is a religion of peace?

It is a disgusting backwards thinking religion based on hatred towards anything or anyone that doesn't think the way they do. Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Jews, and other religions can get on well with each other and do not try to attack each other or behead each others peoples, so why do a certain MAJORITY of Muslims hate anyone non muslim????

I am not really an angry person but after reading this story today i feel now my mind has totally been made up on my opinions of Islam.

The world would be a more peaceful place without Islam! FACT !!

Even in my own city we have experienced what Muslims think of us....

except they didn't quite get to kill any of us, thankfully!