How can I train my German Shepherd puppies that biting/pulling clothing is


New member
Dec 18, 2008
inappropriate greeting behaviour? I own a pair of German Shepherd puppies, both about two months old. They have a bad habit of greeting me and other adult "masters" by biting our legs and ankles, and tugging on clothing (sometimes causing rips in my lacy skirts). They are still small, but their bites can already break skin. How can I train this out of them before they grow large enough to cause injury?

Please note that I have a toddler who loves playing with these dogs, but this kind of excited greeting already hurts him. I can't imagine how they might hurt as they grow bigger.
Please ignore the people who say to smack them. Even smacking a dog lightly can make them aggressive and more inclined to nip or bite. With any puppy, they are very excited to see someone and greet them, which is why they can to jump and bite and get the person's attention. The best way I have found to deal with this is to ignore them until they calm down (and instruct your guests to do the same thing). Teach them the sit command if you haven't already. Command them to sit when they are jumping and biting at clothes. When they are sitting quietly, reward them! Give them a special treat or belly rub and say "good boy". Positive reinforcement is key! Good luck!
Get a spray bottle and spray them when they do. Or smack them a little. Not hard but to show...its like saying theyre not to do that