How can I text when I'm on the cruise ship?


May 13, 2008
Okay so I'm going on a cruise with some of my buddies In June but I will be in international waters where I can't text. But I know there's things you can buy for when you leave the country to text with or something to that effect. What is it exactly and about how much is it?
when you go out onto international waters, you should really not text. The fees for international texting are exorbitant and totally not worth it. You will be charged per minute/per text for everything that comes out of your phone. My suggestion? Don't do it.
You technically can text using the onboard communications system, but I wouldn't recommend it because your phone company will be charged astronomically high rates for each text or call you make, of which the charges will be forwarded onto your bill. Unless you have money to burn back at home or you must make the call immediately, wait until the ship reaches port, then get away from the ship (at least off the pier) and get a terrestrial signal and then text; the roaming charges will be far less at that point. As for calling cards; you will need to check with the country you are visiting and they're usually "pay as you go" in that the roaming charges are deducted from the card so as long as you remain in the country of issue.