How can I take My Anole with me on vacation?


New member
Jun 10, 2008
Im going on vacation for a week and i need to know what i can do for me green anole for that whole week, I will either take it with me or take it to a friends house to take care of it. Either way he is in a 30 gallon tank and would be impossble to take that. No i cant have friends come to my house everyday and feed him. i have a med/large carry for him to take to which ever i choose. But i need to know can i have a heating pad under that to keep him warm? will it melt the plastic? what about water during the trip, i think its a 9 hour or something trip? i dont remember how long it is but i know its at least a couple hours.. like we need to leave early morning(5/6am) so we can at a disant time. please any advise would be great.
if you take any living thing on the plane you WILL go to jail or you will get charged!!!!!!!!
put his stuff in ur bags and duct tape him to ur leg my older bro did that when he was 13 with an iguana