how can i support bloomberg's proposal to ban cigarette smoking in the park etc.?


Aug 31, 2008
i heard his idea on the radio.. i fuckin love it..
i am so tired of getting tobacco smoke blown in my face.
we have enough pollution.. as is.. the added fumes is nonsense..
and it unnecessarily puts others at risk.
Wow, in a city filled with literally thousands of cars and trucks belching out literally tons of pollutants every hour, you're all bent out of shape over someone smoking a little tiny cigarette in an 880 acre park?

I think someone needs to get a hobby! ;-)
Maybe next we can ban people from farting in public, because all the methane gas emitted into the atmosphere. Give me a beak, are you that anal that you can't ;earn to live and let live. If your getting smoke blown in your face your probably getting too close to these people anyway, so keep your distance and learn to respect others rights to live as they see fit, even if you don't agree with them, this is still a free country. BTW, I don't smoke, but I respect the rights of those that do, many have fought in wars to have those rights.
I'm confident that it will happen. He is a very strong mayor, and he has assembled an extremely effective Health Department.
you can support it by not smoking, and by holding your breath around people who do... your carbon dioxide is poisoning the air that people around you are trying to breathe... please stop it immediately