How can I subconsiously will my room mates to do the dishes?


New member
Oct 1, 2008
I mean, I've taken out the trash a bunch, and I've vacuumed up the room, but I can't be these guys caretaker. I've drawn the line on dishes and they have been piling up and collecting all kinds of whatever.
I don't want to be like "Alright guys. I do all the work around here. Someone clean the dishes." cause like, some of them are mine and I just don't want to be that unlikable room mate who makes these kids realize they don't have a mom anymore.
Basically, how can I get my room mates to take some god damn responsibility and clean up after themselves too in the easiest way possible?
When I lived with a roomate, I was responsible for my dishes and she was for hers. I did mine right away, she did not- so I had to gently remind her as fruit flies were hanging out more.
When I was living with 5 other women, we had a rotated schedule as to having a different person in charge of dishes during the week. It was communicated and reminded that they must be done & if there were small dishes that could be done right away people did their own.
So you either have to do your own dishes for each person or if one person does, just have to keep reminding.
That is the challenge of living with others who do not share your cleanliness.