How can I stop my cat from peeing on everything?


New member
Mar 1, 2008
I have an 8 year old male cat who's been neutered but yet pees on everything. All the litter boxes are kept scrupulously clean and away from his food dishes. Whenever we catch him in the act, he gets a heavy dousing of spray bottle and whenever he actually uses the litter box he gets rewarded. He doesn't just pee in certain spots... he literally pees EVERYWHERE and on EVERYTHING. The times we don't catch him are the worst (he peed on my wii!!!!)

The liquidy stuff that comes out of him isn't exactly like urine. I think its some sort of territorial marking thing. The problem is we just got a new kitten (note, he was peeing before the kitten's arrival) and I don't want his pee habits to rub off on the little guy (my greatest fear would be a pee battle between the two cats)

How can I stop my cat from doing this??? I've already heard mumblings from mother wishing to get rid of him and that would break my heart :( I love him, he just needs to learn how to control his pee...