how can i stop laughing all the time?


May 23, 2008
i laugh when i am nervous, happy, excited, worried, bored, tired i laugh all the time!
i cant stop its so embarrassing people think i am weird when i start laughing i cant stop for at least 20 Min's normally the things i am laughing at aren't even funny! i laugh the most when i am with my best friend cause when one of us start laughing the other one does then we just cant stop! its out of control now though i am starting to get told of a lot for laughing and i just need to know how to stop! though other day i was in Assembly and i just couldn't stop laughing when every one else was silent and i was literally crying of laughter and the teacher must of thought i was a total weirdo. so has anyone got tips to stop myself laughing and also tips to stop myself from crying of laughter? i haven't got any mental health problems i am just a normal 15 year old female. dont say i am immutare are anything i just one advice?
dont, i think its great, laughs can make your life longer and its way better than people who dont even smile. so, dont stop, and if people think you're weird, ignore them.
well, maybe you eat too much sugar? and that makes you hyper..
its okay laughter is good for the soul
but you could think about something sad
like a dead relative
or a dead pet
or an animal or human being tourtured
something sad really
im 15 too, but a guy lol
i also laugh at everything with my friend
you're not alone
all i do is bite my tongue in my mouth n im like "ok dude this really aint even funny stop laughin or ppl gonna look at u" i say tht to myself n i stop but sometimes but if that doesnt work then just try to think of something sad