How can I save part of a DVD to my iPod?


May 14, 2008
I had my very first solo in concert band the other night. One of my friends got it on video, but she missed the entire first half of the solo. I'm buying the DVD of the performance, so it will have the whole solo on it. I want the video or even just the audio on my iPod touch (4th gen). When I get the DVD, is there any way to put that small 45-sec part of an hour-long program on my iPod, preferring to use iTunes?
you don't have to use iTunes just download a software "iPod transfer" and intall it on your PC.
steps to follow
1. put DVD into your PC
2. start the software
3. use the software to crop the files in DVD
4. transfer the clips in your ipod.
BUT you are supposed to know how to crop the DVD first. good luck
You need something like DVDShrink which can pick out certain times and create an .iso file of that. Then you need something that will transfer that into a file iTunes will recognize (.m4v with AAC audio).