how can i prove to my mom i am responsible enough to take care of a ferret, or


Launa J

preferably 2 ? i am 15 years old and ever since i played with one at someone's house i've wanted one and have been saving up for it. i also have three sisters that want one. they are 11, 8, and 5 years old.i have done the most research u can, but she still isn't convinced. She says that i am not responsible enough. She also says we can't because we live in apartments. i think i can convince her that i can handle a ferret by starting to take good care of our cat. i can't have a dog because we have a family curse that makes it so we can't have a dog. it never has worked out. she also thinks the cat and ferret won't get along. but the ferret stays in a cage most of the day. even when it's not, it would remain in my room. if any of you have truley had a ferret, please give me advice!!!! oh and is 2 ferrets a good number for someone in highschool, but with lots of free time in the afternoon? ( 3-6 hours ) someone please help!!! ASAP!!