how can i persuade my mum to get me a ps3?


May 13, 2008
basically i really want a ps3, as i did have a nintendo wii but it broke, and im not able to fix it, as a result i am left with nothing and really want to play games with my friends. Christmas is coming up, and i already have had a laptop, because it was needed for school i didnt really want this, but it is required and i know i should be grateful. im selling my old consoles, my ps2, gamecube and broken wii, to get some money together. i would like a ps3 160gb model which is about £200 the cheapest i found was £189. by the time i save up a new console will probably be out, how can i persuade my mum, im trying as hard as i can to save, my friends have written letters to my mum aswell but it doesnt seem to work, please help me!

sorry for spelling!
im not gonna do anything sexual to gain me money!