How can I keep myself productive over summer vacation?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
School's finally out. I've slept and nursed my body back to good condition after lots of late night studying and exam stresses!

I do not like to be a useless person that just sits around all day eating junk foods on the sofa, so I want to keep my senses sharp and clear over summer vacation.

I have summer school starting in a few days (because I want to get jump ahead), and I want to go to the gym everyday or at least every other day after school. I'm already in shape, but I don't want to lose my fitness. I also want to practice my instruments every day if possible.

Basically, I just need to find a way to make sure I actually perform these tasks on a daily basis. Any advice/suggestions?
Make yourself a calendar or schedule and stick to it. You might also consider doing some volunteer work one or two days a week, depending on your interests. Animal shelters and nursery schools can always use help, or your parents might be able to think of something. Actual jobs are hard to come by for everyone these days, but getting involved in some community service can be fun, and looks good on a college application, too.