how can i improve my sex. I am a newbie....?


Active member
May 12, 2008
so im 19 years old and i wanted for the girl that i truely liked and i only had sex twice first time it took 1 and a half and i got to tired and didnt cum and the second was 30 mins about didnt cum stopped cause i was getting carpet burn on my knee. can someone give me some advice or a web site to kinda look at to help me improve. no porno sites i did that before the second time and it didnt help.... thank you for your help
im able to jerk off just fine and cum
and suggestions on helping the rug burns cause my knees are killing me
have you tried cumming? as in cumming when you have sex. jizzing. elephant juice. make it come out. it feels nice.
1st off the carpet burn thing ouch. Lol... try just focusing on the pleasure you seem to be focusing elsewhere. Just relax.. have her please you. Be kinky with it **** like a porn star experience things that you think you might like don't be shy or nervous. Also you can try and google things like how to improve your sex life.