How can I handle my period during my cruise?


May 13, 2008
I'm going on a cruise on the 21st. I am sharing a room with my sister who will understand that I'm on my period. But my friend and her family are also going.My friend didn't get her period yet ( I don't know why, she is 13) and I don't want to keep going back to the room to change my pad. We are going to Bermuda and we will be getting off the ship. I can probably bring a draw sting bag or something. I'm not good at all at using tampons so I want to use them as less as possible. How could I swim? Or any way I can get it to start now so it won't come? Also, what if I go back to my room to change my pad and she wants to come with me? I don't want to tell her I'm on my period because she thinks periods are gross and stuff.
She didn't get it yet because she didn't. She's only 13 she isn't even a late bloomer yet. You can't start it sooner or later and you can only swim with tampons. Screw it if she wants to come with you just tell her she will have to deal with periods too.
Its okay. Just tell her you need to use the restroom and I don't really think she would follow you into a stall or sumthing or that would just be awkward. On the first day just hide the pads and stuff in the restroom cabniet or somthing so you dont have to get it out of your suitcase.