How can I get somebody in trouble for sharing and downloading illegal files?


New member
Jul 29, 2008
I know somebody who has downloaded and shared (with others) hundreds of files (movies, games ect.) - illegally. I have warned him and he will not listen, and now he is even making money off of it. I know his name, and he always goes by a consistent "screen name' whenever he does "illegal stuff." Is there a way to report him (like to the FBI or service provider)? And is there a way to do this anonymously?
And the reason you want to do this is?? Because you are a concientious citizen and are lily white, or is there some ulterior motive? If you are genuine, there are many places if you google them.
ah! life has a way of catching up to us... what goes around comes around. he will get his just rewards without your help one day... just go about your life and don't worry so much. it is easier that way....
I think if you're gonna go after this guy, you should go after everyone that uses Limewire too! get em all while you're at it