How can i get my brother to stop smoking and dealing marijuana and mushrooms?


May 14, 2008
A little over a year ago my parents caught my brother trying to grow his own mushrooms so that he could sell them. they also found him selling and smoking marijuana. my parents got together and talked with my brother and forbid him to see one of his friends that they also found out was smoking and dealing marijuana and also talked to that boys parents. this other kid has been in rehab for almost a year and a half now. my parents did a lot to help him and used this other kid as a good example of what bad could come of this along with some other things that i can't recall off the top of my head. as far as my parents and me and my sister who don't live at home any more we all thought he stopped everything.

My little brother is now 22 years old and my mom just found him snooping around the yard last night with this same kid again who's suppose to be in rehab and they both smelled like pot when she confronted them she said, so he must have been smoking again. she made this kid go home and said he is never allowed back to my parents house and so this morning (the following morning) she searched his room and found no trace of pot but found that he started trying to grow mushrooms again. she dismantled the grower and got rid of it. now i'm talking to my mom and she's telling me all about this and i'm trying to help with suggestions of kicking my brother out of the house so that he learns responsibility and maybe wont be able to afford this addiction/dealings but all she says is that then he can sell more without my mother at his back watching over him if he's out of the house. i don't know what else to do!!!!

does anyone have any suggestions on how i can help him out of this or my parents resolve this??? especially since we would not want him to go to jail!! and he's smart besides this fact with good grades at college going to be an engineer and all. I really don't know what to do to help him or what to do to help my parents help him.

Please any help would be MUCH Appreciated!!!!
thank you