How can I get my boyfriend to eat healthy without bugging him too much?


New member
Jan 8, 2009
My boyfriend eats nothing but junk food, mainly fries. Everytime we go out to eat he orders two large fries. I'm so worried about his eating habits and I'm afraid of loosing him to an early death from a heart attack. I feel that I've tried everything, but he's too stubborn. He tells me that he is going to change but so far nothing has. I worry about him so much that it hurts and I sometimes get sick. I have no idea what to do anymore.
for one, u should get him to see a doctor. maybe have him get a physical. but within this you must first make a deal. That if he comes back clean and the doctor says he is healthy as a horse, then you will not bother him so much about his eating habits. But more in likely, they will come back with SOMETHING on him that he needs to change before he gets any more problems with his health...this will help convince him to eat healthier and maybe exercise. best of luck.. and i understand where your coming from.
I had the same problem. My boyfriend thought he could get away with it because he didn't gain any weight. Ever since we've moved in together he's realised that eating healthy doesn't mean just eating veg.

Go grocery shopping together. Make sure you get favorite foods, but opt for the low fat/low salt/diet versions.

Its a start.
you should fix him something healthy that smells really good
and looks really good but he doesn't know that its healthy for him to eat
you should fix him something healthy that smells really good
and looks really good but he doesn't know that its healthy for him to eat