How can I convert an AVCHD file to burn to a DVD?


May 14, 2008
I have recently bought a Panasonic HD camcorder and transferred a test recording to my laptop (using the SD card). It plays absolutely fine but as I suspected will not burn to a DVD using Windows DVD Maker as my other recordings do. The camcorder comes with a 'HD Writer' disc but I am not sure exactly what this achieves and do not want to add any rubbish I do not need.
Here are my two ideal scenarios
1 - Add movies to laptop using the SDHC card, convert the file to a workable format for Windows Live Movie Maker and DVD Maker so I can edit and burn to DVD there.
2 - Add movies using SDHC card. Use a program that can convert file, edit and burn to DVD.

Would DVD Flick or DVD Creator work?

Please help

Thank you