How can Christianity be a True Religion?


Apr 20, 2008
I am talking about stuff like the concept of Easter, Sunday worship, concept of a Queen of Heaven and the Virgin Mother etc. Those are concepts which originated among the Babylonian, Canaanite and even the Greek mythology writers.

If a Religion is the true Religion wouldn't it need to be perfectly different then any other Religion which exist on the face of the earth. For it to be considered truth.

If it has the same concepts of other pre-existing Religions then how can this Religion be the True Religion?

I am talking about Christianity and its concepts. If the concepts of Christianity existed thousands of years ago among ancient mythology writers. How can Christianity be the true Religion. Wouldn't thier be a true Religion which is completely different in its concepts?

[When I state "Christianity" I am not talking about the Hebrew Bible which is the Old Testament. I am talking about the New Testament and the Gospels, which describes these pagan concepts. Which existed in ancient mythologies.]
nlytend1, You don't need to tell me to think for myself. It is easy to tell by the question I asked that I think by myself.
okkk, none of these concepts are actually even in the bible, they were made by ppl afterwards to easily assimilate pagans. the only exception is the Virgin Mother.

also, your probly gonna say sunday worship is in thier, but its not, only the sabbath is, which was also in the old testament, which is on saturdays. it wasnt changed till much later
Lets clear something up.

From the bibles standpoint, Jesus did say that many would come in his name. And to all the ones who were phoney... Well... they get yelled at. Matt 7:21-23

So in reality you would have True-Christians and then PROFESSED Christians.

Now obviously you know that rabbits do not lay eggs among many other things. Because your smart.

Next time Jehovahs Witnesses come to your door listen. See.. Over many many years they did the right or true thing by letting go of pagan practices. No Santa, No fuzzy wabbits. No halloween outfits etc.

In accordance with Proverbs 4:18 The light got brighter for them because they allowed it to. And wanted more insight via research and prayers.

Like Paul said to the Corinthians...:"For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness?" - 2Cor 6:14,15

Your pretty sharp. You can answer that question.