How and when do you guys think Casey Anthony killed Caylee?


New member
Feb 13, 2009
In my opinion after all the evidence out there I think it was premeditated, Caylee was in her way of living the live she wanted to.... I think that the fight she had with her mother the night of June 15th... infuriated her to the point where she finally decided to kill her daughter. I think Casey was used to Chloroformed little Caylee or even give her drugs so she would pass out.... but I do not believe for one minute that this particular time was an accident... If it was, then eventually she would have been so emotional and would have broken up to pieces.... She has never shown any emotion, on the contrary, in every video I've seen and whenever anybody asked about Caylee she would get so upset and never came up with any clues or hints to help to search for her... It was all about her....
I remember reading somewhere that one particular night.... she spend the night with Ricardo (her old ex-boyfriend) and Caylee was with them, according to what Ricardo said, and in the middle of the night Caylee was not in the bed with them anymore.... and he asked Casey where the child was? and she answered that she has taken her back to her mom.......Yeah! right!..... in the middle of the night, like about 2:00 or 3:00am...I have always thought that she probably gave her drugs that night and put her in the trunk of her car, I think it was a ritual for her, whenever she wanted to have fun!....She didn't have any money to pay for a babysitter so the easier way out was to drug the poor baby! and hide her in the trunk!
I believe that she killed her, on June 16th after her father left for work... She gave her a high dose of chloroform, probably after she passed out she suffocated her with a pillow or even with the tape around her mouth and nose, put the heart sticker on her.... Then put her body in the laundry hamper... and left her in the trunk of her car.... Then she went on to have fun with Tony and she spend the night watching movies with him...The next day on June 17th she went back to the house and borrowed a shovel from the neighbor, she backed up her car, took Caylee out of the trunk and try to bury her in the backyard(that's why the cadaver dogs sniffed decomposition smell ) not just one dog...but a second one as well!
When she realized that it wasn't that easy she put the body on a trash bag and dumped her in the trunk of her car and she probably drove around with poor lil' Caylee for a few days till she couldn't stand the smell anymore and finally decided to dump the body where it was finally found!


Caylee was getting older, smarter and she could talk better, I bet that she was worried that someday the poor lil' baby would start talking and said the atrocities her mother put her thru, also whenever she was asked by George about the babysitter or Zach? George had said that lil' Caylee was clueless....
Casey's lying, stealing, and who knows what else was really getting out of hand....Cindy had given her an ultimatum the night of the 15th and told her that she was probably going to seek for full custody of Caylee.... Supposedly there was a huge fight between them, that night and as the ultimate revenge, she ended killing her:-(