How accurate and informative have the prophecies of Nostradamus been?

He wrote in such an obscure way that as far as experts can tell, NOTHING has come true! Only Nostradamus himself has any clue as to what he was writing about.
Not at all. He has never successfully PREdicted anything. His fans, due to the obtuse and vague nature of his rubbish poetry practice POSTdiction whereby they wait for an event to occur, then pour through his work to see if they can mangle a translation enough to fit (by turning the traditional name of the Danube river into Adolf Hitler for example).

As a tool for prediction future events BEFORE they happen (which is supposed to be the point) obviously this sort of thing is completely useless.
No one has been able to use any of them to predict any future event(s). They've only been given credibility in hindsight.