Hooked up with this random girl in the club?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Ignore any grammar errors , dont have time to prof read lol
So i hooked up with this girl at the club we first started dancing then grinding lol so i never really got a good look of her face moments later when i say her face i was like dam she is hot , but i was piss drunk lmao my friend said even she was hot but he was drunk to so i some how ended up making out with her and got her number some how lol , 2 days later i get a text from her so i start talking with her , i end up adding her on fb and i was in shock , she wasnt that same face i remebr at the club at all lmao , im not sure wat to do she wants to go to the movies in a few days and my friends say go because maybe on photos she dosnt look good but in reality looks better , .,.... Now im confused sould i go see her and see for my self or just pull the plug now and save the time , i can tell she really likes me but im not sure if im making the right move